Nordic-podcast: Is there a place for a radio and where is a niche?
In Finland a large part of the radio stations are owned by two or three larger companies. Can radio...
Nordic Podcast: The future of fact-checking and combating disinformation
It gets easier to smuggle disinformation into audio as AI is developing. What tools do we have to...
Nordic Podcast: Finding your own voice
This podcast was produced and funded as a part of the Nordic-project. In this episode The Executive...
Revive podcast: Räväkkä kukkataideteos juhlistaa hauskuutta ja iloa
Essi Nummelinin ja Aida Suomen räväkän pinkki kukkataideteos Jive on osa Livian ammattiopiston...
Nordic Podcast: Disinformation and its role in radio broadcasting
Today, it is important to be able to read the media critically. Disinformation can be encountered,...
What would happen if radio disappeared from the world and who would be the most impacted by it?
How relevant is radio today? What if radio suddenly disappeared from the world. What would happen,...
Revive Podcast: Creating art through fun led to a unique light show
Katarina Klauž is a graphic design student from Slovenia. Her goal in the project was to encourage...
Nordic Podcast: Strategies for engaging listeners with your radio station
In this episode of the Nordic Podcast, we dive into effective strategies for capturing and retaining...
Nordic Podcast: The growing need for foreign language representation in the media scene
In an increasingly globalized world, representation in media is more important than ever. Sverige...
Tutka tutkii: Voivatko miehet ja naiset olla vain ystäviä?
Reportaasi: Turun urheilupuisto – pala luontoa keskellä kaupunkia
Tutka tutkii: Raakaöljyä kasvoille? Vaseliini ja ihonhoidon muuttuvat trendit
Kuntosalien kilpailu kiristyy – laajat aukioloajat keskiössä
Epävarmat ihmissuhteet houkuttelevat nuoria enemmän kuin tasapainoinen parisuhde
Kolumni: Huonot hetket ovat osa hyvää elämää
Turkulainen seura perustettiin paraurheilu edellä
Antti Saari perusti jääkiekkojoukkueen oman ja muiden opiskelijoiden terveyden edistämiseksi
Rohkeasti maailmalle – opiskelijavaihtoon on tarjolla monenlaista tukea
Tutka selvitti kolmen perinteisen jouluhahmon synkän puolen